As everyone will know athlete or not becoming ill can seriously effect your ability to function at the most basic tasks, let alone trying to train effectively at a sport.
The "common cold" is the biggest problem for athletes as it is the most common form of illness and it can be difficult to prevent it.
However, here are some ways that you can try and reduce the risk of getting ill.
- Stay Hydrated
- Always stay well hydrated before, during and after exercise
- Your mouth will be more likely to wash away viruses/ bacteria if it is moist
- Refuel often
- High intensity training lowers your immune system so it is important to get carbohydrate into your body, which boosts your immunity
- Wash your hands often
- Viruses/ Bacteria are easily into your body from your hands
- Use hand sanitizer as an easier form of keeping your hands clean before meals
- Boost Vitamin C & Zinc
- There is a large degree of evidence that if you boost your Vitamin C level (1000mg per day) and your Zinc level (15mg twice a day) it reduces the length and intensity of a viral cold.
- Stay Away
- If you have an illness then stay away from your team mates as you do not want to be the person responsible for making the whole team ill
Heart Rate and Winter Illness
Symptoms above the neck (e.g. Runny nose, sore throat, congested)
Less than 10 Heart Beats above normal resting Heart Rate
- Feeling okay > Reduce to 75% Quantity and Intensity of Training
- Not Feeling okay> DO NOT TRAIN
There is no point training if you are ill as you will just prolong your illness
More than 10 Beats above normal resting Heart Rate- DO NOT TRAIN
Symptoms bellow the neck (e.g. Wheeze, chesty cough)
DO NOT TRAIN- Consult your Doctor (even if HR is less than 10 Beats above resting)